
Phoenix Issue 02
Dear Albioneers, Valentine’s Day is finally here, accompanied by a brand new issue of Phoenix! With articles about love in all shapes and sizes, it fits today perfectly. Also, it contains all the Valentine’s messages that you sent at the shack, so go check out if you have a secret admirer!
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Board Information Evening
Do you wonder what it’s like to be on the Albion board? And do you want to find out what we do exactly? Come to the Board Information Evening on March 13 at 19:00 (location: Drift 21, 1.09). As a member of the board, you make sure Albion runs smoothly. You’re one of the dedicated students…
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SUDS One Act Festival
The first big SUDS event of the year is approaching! During their One Act Festival, you will see four plays which are all written, directed and performed by members of SUDS. Check their Facebook event for more information.
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Booksale Block 3
I’m here to inform you that there is a light at the end of the long, dark tunnel of deadlines and exams: fresh new books. You can now start dreaming about the feeling of opening your hitherto untouched block 3 books. Just ignore the itching realization that you have to write essays about them again….
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Member Mumble #7 Nena Namysl
I am currently sitting in an empty house. All my roommates have gone home, to Spain, Italy, Belgium, America. Some will come back next term, some won’t. I will not. I cannot describe how weird it feels that I might never see some of them again. Even weirder that this, the University of Kent, was my home for…
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New Website!
As you may have noticed, the Albion website underwent some drastic changes lately. Main reason: we changed servers. Our former server quit running WordPress websites, so we had to find a new one and transfer all our content. Luckily, this all happened relativaly smoothly. I am currently in the process of reforming and refining the…
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General Member Meeting
Thursday the 16th of November Albion held a general member meeting to discuss some of the board’s current plans. This led to a successful change of the Winter Sports Committee into a Sports Committee, which will receive a budget. The board and committee are excited to work together to make this new concept for the committee…
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Phoenix Issue 01
This year’s first issue of Phoenix is now online! With its brand new lay-out it might be hard to recognise, but I assure you that it features all familiar headers and columns. So make yourself some tea and find out which teacher grades your essays while listening to Justin Bieber, or how to bake delicious apple…
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Booksale Block 2
It’s time to claim one of those nice discounts you Albioneers get. You can now purchase your books for block 2 via the Albion webshop. We’re sorry it took longer than usual for the books to be available, but if you order now, you won’t be in trouble. Thanks for being patient! Note: The Chinese…
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Graduation Day
Congratulations to all graduates of the Bachelor English Language and Culture who received their degree today! We wish you the best of luck with your future plans and hope to greet you again as an alumnus (for which you can sign up here). And a shout out to Roos Brands, who won the award for…
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LinkedIn Training
It’s time to get professional! Albion presents the perfect opportunity to pimp your LinkedIn profile and establish those connections you’ve always dreamed of. Sjoer from Career Services will help you to set up your profile from scratch, and will show you how to properly present yourself in the adult world. So if you’ve always wanted…
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Member Mumble #6 Baukje Harmsma
Waldorf education is based on the philosophy of Rudolf Steiner, the founder of anthroposophy. Anthroposophy believes in the existence of an objective, intellectually comprehensible spiritual world that is accessible by direct experience through inner development (Wikipedia’s words, not mine). Steiner wanted children to develop themselves into grown, self-thinking adults who dare to question social developments….
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Dies Natalis
It’s Albion’s 27th anniversary next week! This deserves some celebratory activities of course. Get ready for an original Dutch birthday party with lots of cake, games and gezelligheid at The Shack on Monday the 9th. The next day we’ll dedicate our Monthly Drinks to our Dies Natalis, to celebrate with even more members (and perhaps even…
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New Merch Is In!
We proudly introduce you: the Albion sweater! This super fashionable piece of merch is now available for order. And once you’re at it, get your tote bag, which might not be able to carry all of your Nortons, but those beautiful copies you use for the Sound Lab will certainly fit.
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