

Pleuni on being a board member

Het lijkt alweer een eeuwigheid geleden dat ik Commissaris Extern was. Maar man, wat was het een geweldige tijd. Van constitutieborrels en Albion activiteiten tot (departements)vergaderingen en ALV’s, ik ben er trots op dat ik Albion een jaar lang heb mogen vertegenwoordigen tijdens dit soort evenementen. Als Extern heb ik Phoenix gecoördineerd, deals gesloten, geld…

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speciaal aanbod voor studenten en afgestudeerden –> Inspirerende loopbaanworkshops bij GORTcoaching in Utrecht

Beste student/afgestudeerde, In de maanden mei, juni en september organiseert GORTcoaching vier interactieve en inspirerende loopbaanworkshops in Utrecht. Iedere workshop duurt één dag en de thema’s zijn: ´Get Inspired´, ´Ontdek je talent´, ´Vind je droombaan´ en ‘Creatief Denken´. De workshops zijn bedoeld voor iedereen die: – inspiratie wil opdoen voor zijn/haar eerste baan – praktische tips wil voor…

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Why join the Albion board

You can already sign up to become a part of the next Albion board here, but you might not even know if being a board member is for you. Maybe you’ve read snippets of life as a board member in the monthly recaps, or the “word of the board” in Phoenix. However, there is a…

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Become the next Albion board!

You can now sign up to become a board member in the 26th Albion board! However, before you do you might want to know what it even means to be a board member. You might attend the “Bestuursvoorlichting”, but if you just so happen to miss it you can always ask the current board for…

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Dear Albioneers, As you all know, we celebrate Albion’s 25th birthday and 5th lustrum this year. We have already had some awesome lustrum-activities so far, but we want to go out with a bang. So, we invite all of you to join us on a special lustrum weekend at the end of the academic year!…

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Monthly Recap: February ’16

Ah, February. The shortest month of the year, but by no means the dullest one. The month started off with the SkiCie’s ski trip with some of Albion’s snow enthusiasts zooming up and down the mountains in France. Despite one major injury, it was a great success (judging by all the smiles in the Facebook…

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Phoenix Issue 03

A new block, a new Phoenix. Who hasn’t been confronted with one of Utrecht’s most well-known locations: Utrecht Central Station. This train hub is not only a Utrecht landmark, but the beating heart of our nation’s infrastructure, delays and all. Read all about it and more in the third Phoenix! Phoenix Issue 03

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Monthly Recap: December ’15 & January ’16

My oh my, so much happened in these two months! December kicked off with a blast as the destination of this year’s trip was announced in a filled up Mick O’ Connells pub during the monthly drinks. With some pride the Reiscie answered the question burning on all lips: Where in Ireland could we possibly…

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Phoenix Issue 02

We’ll start the holiday season right: with the biggest Phoenix yet. Not only does this issue celebrate the holidays by bringing back an old Phoenix favourite, but it also celebrates Albion’s 5th Lustrum, giving you a taste of Albion back in the day. Phoenix Issue 02

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Extra veel voordeel op autohuur voor leden van Albion

Studenten en reizen lijken wel voor elkaar gemaakt, vrijwel iedere student doet het. Er is natuurlijk ook niks fijner als lekker stoom afblazen in het buitenland want daar kan je tenslotte helemaal tot rust komen. Alleen kan het nog wel eens frustrerend en lastig zijn om met het openbaar vervoer te reizen en als er…

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Dublin Trip ’15-’16

[embedplusvideo height=”378″ width=”620″ editlink=”” standard=”″ vars=”ytid=W_hw8r2MWXo&width=620&height=378&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=1&autoplay=1&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep3970″ /] I know you’re missing home It’s been so long since you’ve been And that life you had in Dublin Now ain’t nothing but a dream To be right there in the moment You’d give anything to be It’s alright ‘Cause tonight We’re gonna paint the town green…

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Monthly Recap: November ’15

Another month, another recap; you could almost speak of a trend. We’ve had our fair share of monthly banter in November, because let’s not forget that we had another Lustrum activity: Albion Parent’s Day. They’ve seen the sights, they’ve lived the life, we’ve shown your parents what it’s like to be an Albioneer, but only…

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Albion Merchandise

By now you’ve seen all the posts pop-up on your wall; Albion attempting to make their members look a bit more fly with our hoodies, tote bags, and limited label LUSTRUM BY ALBION zipped hoodies. It’s our way to not only provide you with wearable comfort, but also to leave you with a commemorative of…

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Phoenix Issue 01

A new committee, a new Phoenix. Every year this bird rises to great heights, burning bright until summer break leaves it in ashes. Now it has risen once more and has taken off again! A first edition packed with fresh content as well as a return of the classics  (read all about them in the…

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