The Board
The Current Board
This is the XXXIVth board of Albion consisting of Elise, Silke, Lonneke, Isis, Merle and Hilde.

Elise Pleij – Chair
Nickname: Mommy Praeses Pleij
Birthday: 22 03 2004
Drink: Sangria
Quote/Catchphrase: Spanniespanspan
Morning person or Night owl: Night owl
Book: The Hunger Games
Word: Hurkle Durkle
Fictional character: Arizona Robbins
Movie: Mamma Mia 2, it always makes me feel better no matter what
No one knows that… I hate cheese but have a huge soft spot for mozzarella
Spirit animal: Otter
Literature or Linguistics: Literature
Best Albion memory so far: Playing lots of flunkyball during the beach day (:

Silke Eijs – Secretary
Nickname: Sillie
Birthday: March 1st
Drink: Applejuice! For something alcoholic I’d say sunrise tequila (but rum-fanta has a place in my heart)
Quote/Catchphrase: *starts doing the HOT TO GO dance out of nowhere *
Morning person or Night owl: I’m just sleepy
Book: Don’t make me do this ):
Word:Hapapaba (Dog of Wisdom)
Fictional character: Remus Lupin, no explanation needed
Movie: Mary Poppins with Julie Andrews is my comfort film
No one knows that… I’m actually a blabbermouth, so everyone knows everything
Spirit animal: my house cat Spoes, he is either sleeping or causing mayhem
Literature or Linguistics: Literature!
Best Albion memory so far: So so many!! But the big trip to Dublin was really something else

Lonneke Meyboom – Treasurer
Nickname: Lonnie and Lonnepon
Birthday: 12th of January 2005
Drink: A gin tonic
Quote/Catchphrase: the avocado is the panda of the fruits
Morning person or night owl: Unfortunately for everyone around me, I’m a chronic night owl and only start truly thriving after dinner.
Book: The women of troy
Word: Serendipitous
Fictional character: Jo March
Movie: The Sounds of Music
No one knows that… I never read the secret histroy, but I am working on it! I promise!
Spirit animal: A bumble bee, because I too am chaotic, cannot go in straight line and am super huggable
Literature or Linguistics: Literature
Best Albion memory so far: A random noisy afternoon in the shack. I was sitting on one of the couches and I realized I loved all the people in the room and all of them loved me, even though I had only met them a few months ago. That warm feeling erupted in my chest and it’s never really gone away ever since.
Isis Broeders – Commissioner of Internal Affairs
Nickname: ies, iezewies or geesis
Birthday: June 3rd 2002
Drink: Fresh ginger tea with lots of honey!
Quote/Catchphrase: “Loveleh”
Morning person or Night owl: Wonderfully and surprisingly enough, both! (But 16.00 is my enemy)
Book: This is How you Lose the Time War
Word: Yolk, it just has a nice mouthfeel to it
Fictional character: Detective Rose Diaz
Movie: Pirates of the Caribbean, all of them!
No one knows that… I used to be quite a successful fanfiction writer back in my Wattpad days.
Spirit animal: A goose. My nickname is Geesis, what more do I need to say.
Literature or Linguistics: Linguistics all the way!
Best Albion memory so far: The Night of the Professors party, it was so lovely to dance with my fellow Albioneers and the teachers and to feel so loved, safe and happy in that space and with those people!

Merle Logtenberg – Commissioner of Education
Nickname: Murl
Birthday: 5th of January 2005
Drink: Iced coffee
Quote/Catchphrase: “You can be the master of your faith and you can be the captain of your soul, but you have to realise life is coming from you, and not at you”
Morning person or night owl: Night owl
Book: The Secret History by Donna Tartt
Word: –
Fictional character: Barbie
Movie: How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
No one knows that… I collect shells at every beach I go to
Spirit animal: a cat, because I, too, would like to sleep all day and go on silly adventures
Literature or Linguistics: Linguistics
Best Albion memory so far: The Big Trip to Prague or Beach Day

Hilde Neefjes – Commissioner of External Affairs
Nickname: Hillie Billie
Birthday: 28-10-2003
Drink: The cheapest beer on the menu
Quote/Catchphrase: Het maakt niet uit welke dans ik dans – Spinvis (translation: It doesn’t matter what dance I dance)
Morning person or night owl: Night owl
Book: Song of Solomon – Toni Morrison
Word: Giggle
Fictional character: Orla McCool
Movie: Spirited away
No one knows that… I love chihuahua’s
Spirit animal: My cat Pluto
Literature or Linguistics: Literature
Best Albion memory so far: All the parties, going to Prague and laser gaming!!
Board History
The 33rd Board
Academic Year 2023-2024

Chair: Nova Beinema
Secretary: Nina Carstens
Treasurer: Thijs Legein
Commissioner of Internal Affairs: Amelia van Esch
Commissioner of Education: Thom Bravenboer
Commissioner of External Affairs: Charlie Edelbroek
The 32nd Board
Academic Year 2022-2023

Chair: Soraya van den Steen
Secretary: Marlies Riemens
Treasurer: Lisanne Nieuwendijk
Commissioner of Internal Affairs: Anna Alborghetti
Commissioner of Education: Mar Luijkx
Commissioner of External Affairs: Lisanne Nieuwendijk
The 31st Board
Academic Year 2021-2022
Chair: Bram van Beerendonk
Secretary: Tessa van Westerop
Treasurer: Dagmar Nan
Commissioner of Internal Affairs: Wobke Ballast
Commissioner of Education: Victoria Bluriot
Commissioner of External Affairs: Daan Reins
The 30th board
Academic year 2020-2021

Chair: Bauke Dudink
Secretary: Veerle Kosters
Treasurer: Charlotte van Houdt
Commissioner of Internal Affairs: Rixt Tuinstra
Commissioner of Education: Nienke Hutten
Commissioner of External Affairs: Bram van Beerendonk
The 29th board
Academic year 2019-2020

Chair: Imke van Dam
Secretary: Effie Ophelders
Treasurer: Ward Faessen
Commissioner of Internal Affairs: Leanne van Kampen
Commissioner of Education: Zoë op ten Berg
The 28th board
Academic year 2018-2019

Chair: Sandra de Kruijf
Secretary: Ymke Verploegen
Treasurer: Caitlin Kroot
Commissioner of Internal Affairs: Hanka Damsma
Commissioner of Education: Lotte Murrath
Commissioner of External Affairs (resigned 24-04-2019): Baukje Harmsma
The 27th board
Academic year 2017-2018

Chair (resigned 30-04-2018): Job Petersen
Secretary: Tanisha Wetsteen
Treasurer: Justine Hoogstraten
Commissionair of Internal Affairs: Minthe Woudstra
Commissionair of External Affairs: Alessandra Polimeno
The 26th Board
Academic Year 2016-2017
Chair: Anna de Roest
Secretary: Vincent Brouwer
Treasurer: Chrystel Philipsen
Commissioner of Internal Affairs: Jitske Brinksma
Commissioner of External Affairs: Iris Pijning
The 25th Board
Academic Year 2015-2016
Chair: Nick Breedveld
Secretary: Georgia-Rae Dijk
Treasurer: Laurien Schonewille
Commissioner of Internal Affairs: Niki Liebregts
Commissioner of External Affairs: Maarten Gooskens
The 24th Board
Academic Year 2014-2015
Chair: Jos de Groot
Secretary: Nadine van kerkhoven
Treasurer: Floris Bouwman
Commissioner of Internal Affairs: Carlijn Burggraaf
Commissioner of External Affairs: Pleuni van Laarhoven
The 23rd Board
Academic Year 2013-2014
Chair: Fleur Kronenberg
Secretary: Aster Dieleman
Treasurer: Syme van der Lelij
Commissioner of Internal Affairs: Maroucha Veerman
Commissioner of External Affairs: Astrid Nieuwets
The 22nd Board
Academic Year 2012-2013
Chair: Michel Op Den Camp
Secretary: Valerie Vastbinder
Treasurer: Anneke Pons
Commissioner of Internal Affairs: Annabelle Roovers
Commissioner of External Affairs: Aisha Mansaray
The 21st Board
Academic Year 2011-2010
Chair: Arne Rydell
Secretary: Laila El-Sayed
Treasurer: Christian Hendriks
Commissioner of Internal Affairs: Koen van den Wijngaart
Commissioner of External Affairs: Litania de Graaf
The 20th Board
Academic Year 2010-2011
Chair: Joyce Calis
Secretary: Sabina Kasum (First Marianne Kraai)
Treasurer: Christian Hendriks
Commissioner of Internal Affairs: Anton van der Sluis
Commissioner of External Affairs: Bas Teunissen
The 19th Board
Academic Year 2009-2010
Chair: Ingrid Verhees
Secretary: Bert Verwoerd
Treasurer: Jamili Wetzels *Honorary Albion Member*
Commissioner of Education: Lieke Oosterkamp
The 18th Board
Academic Year 2008-2009
Chair: Ruby Engelen
Secretary: Marjolein Toet
Treasurer: Judith de Graaf
Deputy-chair: Lisa Geijtenbeek
Commissioner of Public Relations: Esmé Deppe
The 17th Board
Academic Year 2007-2008
Chair: Erik van Dijk
Secretary: Wolf Hijlkema
Treasurer: Christine Kelly
The 16th Board
Academic Year 2006-2007
Chair: Michiel Bilderbeek
Secretary: Roos van de Wardt
Treasurer: Sander Gerrits
The 15th Board
Academic Year 2005-2006
Chair: Eva Overman
Secretary: Rosanne Dirksmeijer
Treasurer: Erik van Eimeren
The 14th Board
Academic Year 2004-2005
Chair: Laragh Meijer (now Willekes Macdonald)
Secretary: Laura van Hamersveld
Treasurer: Marieke Pieterman (not Ten Holter)
The 13th Board
Academic Year 2003-2004
Chair: Daniel Valkenhoff
Secretary: Linda van de Brink
Treasurer: Tamara Ramsey
The 12th Board
Academic Year 2002-2003
Chair: Frances van Oost
Secretary: Heiltje Winterink
Treasurer: Luuk Keijser
The 11th Board
January 2001 – September 2002
Chair: Peter Kroes
Secretary: Victoire Nijland
Treasurer: Jorinde de Boer
The 10th Board
Calendar Year 2000
Chair: Michiel de Hoog
Secretary: Roos Jansen
Treasurer: Dennis de Jong, Suzanne Martens?
Committee coordinator: Sanne Bergenhenegouwen
The 9th Board
Calendar Year 1999
Chair: Michiel de Hoog
Secretary: Roos Jansen
Treasurer: Dennis de Jong
Committee coordinator: Sanne Bergenhenegouwen
The 8th Board
Calendar Year 1998
Chair: Kathelijne van de Velde
Secretary: Chantal Weghorst
Treasurer: Lianne van der Meer
The 7th Board
Calendar Year 1997
Chair: Anneke Gortemulder
Secretary: Chantal Weghorst
Treasurer: Niels Rengelink
The 6th Board
Calendar Year 1996
Chair: Henriëtta Spa
Secretary: Gabriëlla van Karsbergen
Treasurer: Bas Jonkers
The 5th Board
Calendar Year 1995
Chair: Jetta Spaanenburg
Treasurer: Jean Michael Thijssen
The 4th Board
Calendar Year 1994
Chair: A. Post
The 3rd Board
Calendar Year 1993
Chair: J. van Harmelen
The 2nd Board
Calendar Year 1992
Chair: Maayke Botman
Secretary: Iris Casteren van Cattenburgh
Treasurer: Maarten Coelingh
The 1st Board
Calendar Year 1991
Chair: Jan de Nooij
Secretary: Renée Kerkhoven
Treasurer: Maarten Coelingh
This is as far as our knowledge of previous board members goes. If you have any information on previous Albion board members, please contact us at
Before Albion Utrecht was restarted in 1991 with the Statutes, it did exist and it had board members. However, we know of only someformer board members:
- Erik Cooper (Treasurer in 1962-63, and President in 1963-64)
- Jan Paul Kuijper
- Peter Schelleman (1968-69)
- Bert Schouten
- Monic Martens (1982-1987?)
- Gert Jan Lantinga (Chair during 1979-85)