
Migration and Societal Change Activities
The Focus area Migration and Societal Change have contacted us to give an update on the upcoming events that might be of interest to Albi. Below you can find an overview of the events, including an short abstract and link to the website for more information. Seminar by our PhD group on the use…
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UU is looking for a student-member of the University Council!
Dear Albi, Utrecht University is looking for motivated, ambitious students who would like to join in the discussions on university wide issues and participate in the strategy development process of the university. The Central Electoral Office and The Albion Board would like to ask you to point your attention towards the position of student-member of…
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Biannual General Assembly (G.A) – 24 January
Dear Albi, The Winter Holidays are coming to an end, and we all know what that means… The Biannual General Assembly is right around the corner! (Doesn’t time just fly?) The Biannual General Assembly (G.A) is important both for Board and for Albi; the near future of the association -thus, what will happen in the…
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Committee Meeting Blok 2
Dear Albi, For those of you who are in a committee, the time has come to get together and brainstorm for the future months!? In this Committee Meeting we will also assess how Committee life has been so far. Maybe we will come to ideate some memorable activities via committee alliances. Who knows?? (Date: 16th…
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Aftermovie Blok 1 ’22
Dear Albi, We (the board) have come up with a brilliant idea: we have dicided to create aftermovies for the different bloks. Here is a small recap of the activities held, and occurences that have happened, during the blok. Hope you have as much fun watching this video, as we had making it!
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ANÂAQ Film Event
Dear Albi, We would like to invite you to join a film night ANÂAQ on Thursday December 8, 2022. This film is made in the context of 50 years labor migration in the Netherlands, and organized by Atlas culture Center and het Utrechts Archief. More information about the event and sign up can be found…
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Meet the Masters
Dear Albi, The time has come: Meet the Master 2022 is here! This useful (but also fun) event will take place on Monday 12 December from 19.30h. You can find the invitation in English and Dutch in the attachment. The invitation is aimed at second-year students, but the event is of course open to anyone…
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Winter Merch Drop
Dear Albioneers! Have you been meaning to get some new cosy and warm duds to add to your wardrobe during these cold months? Perhaps in need of a new mug? Or just feel passionate about Albion and would like to show it off? Well, fear not! We are pleased to announce that as of today…
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Winter Cards 2022
Dear members and friends of Albion, The holiday season is coming closer: Mariah Carey is gradually defrosting, and peppernut sales are going through the roof. To celebrate this joyous time, we would like to send out some holiday cards!? However, we take great importance in doing so in a sustainable manner. Therefore, we are only…
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Internship Info Session
Internship information session Monday 28 November, 11.00 – 12.30 h Are you looking for a way to enrich your studies and do you want to figure out how to put into practice what you learn during your Bachelor’s? Would you like to gain valuable work experience and start building a network in a field that…
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Shack Hours
The Shack Hours are back! We hope that you enjoyed your time off from University wether it was limited or a well deserved three-week-long Winter Break. This is the current planner for the Shack hours. The board really looks forward to seeing you during the week. Love, XXXII
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Albion Discord
Dear Albioneers, We really want to keep in touch with you during the last block of the year (and after the academic year is over)! That’s why we are introducing the Albion Discord Server. Yeet yourself into the server and take a look around the channels! We have channels to host our office hours in,…
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Party Pics are in!
The pictures from the latest party, Time to Die 007, are in, so head over to, make sure you’re logged in and see your fellow Albioneers having the time of their life!
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Join the Board of 2020-2021!
The Board application is now open! You can sign up by filling in this form and attaching a letter of motivation. There are no criteria for this letter, just be sure to include relevant skills and possible (committee) experience. The deadline is the 1st of March 23:59. Did you miss the Board Information Meeting? You can…
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