
LinkedIn revamped
Our Commissioner of Education recently revamped, or updated, the Albion LinkedIn. The Albion LinkedIn currently consists of 2 parts: the Company Page and the Group. The Page will share posts relevant for Albioneers and it’s the place where main updates about the association will be posted. The Group is for discussions from members and others…
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Albion WhatsApp group!
Dear Albioneers, A few days ago, our Commisisoner of Internal Affairs officially launched the new Albion WhatsApp group! Here you can find updates about activities, upcoming events, and where you can connect with other Albioneers. Please contact a board member to join the group! With love, Board XXIX
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Pampalini: the New Deal
Dear Albioneers, Did you hear??? Our lovely Commissioner of Internal Affairs has extended our deal with Pampalini Lunchroom! The previous deal was: all hot drinks (except Persian teas) for €2,50. The NEW DEAL is: – all hot drinks (except Persian teas) for €2,50 – all paninis + hot drink (except Persian teas) for €9,- – all…
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Phoenix Issue 1!
The first Phoenix issue of the year is out now! This issue’s theme is ‘music’, so take a look by clicking on the issue below!
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Member Mumble: Isabella Commu
Here it is, our first member mumble of the year! Isabella Commu, now a third-year student, tells us all about the struggle of the question “do you want to become a teacher?” when talking about your studies. So go ahead and give it a read, whatever could you possibly do with your BA in English…
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Albion Dies /di:es/ Week 2019
Dear Albioneers, From October 7 to October 11, Albion celebrates its Birthday! Our official birthday is October 9th, but we want to celebrate it the entire week! Here’s an overview of the entire week! With love, Board XXIX
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Wanted: Commissioner of Education // Updated August 12
Update: Within a day of opening up the vacancy, a lovely candidate responded to our quest of finding a Commissioner of Education. The past weeks we have had time to slowly immerse her into All Things Albion and to get her up to speed on our year plan. We’ve got high hopes for her and…
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Phoenix Issue 4
The fourth and final Phoenix issue of the year is out now! This issue’s theme is ‘nostalgia’, so take a look by clicking on the issue below!
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Phoenix Issue 3
The third issue of Phoenix is all about gaming! Whether you are interested in the life of a pro gamer, game reviews or a ranking of the game stores in Utrecht: this issue has it all. Take a look by clicking on the issue below or order your physical copy now by clicking the following…
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Albion now has Sponsorclicks! This means that if you order a pizza on Thuisbezorgd or buy something on and you do it via our own Sponsorclick link, it will earn us (Albion) money! This means more money that can be spend on Albion members! Check out the many more companies that are part of the deal…
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Sign Up Diamond Jubilee
On the 23rd of March we will celebrate the department English Language and Culture’s 60 years of existence with a Diamond Jubilee at the University Hall. Even if you haven’t graduated yet you are welcome to attend, as long as you are a member of Albion! So if you’d like to have a drink with…
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Phoenix Issue 2
The brand new spring issue of Phoenix is out now! You can read it online here or order a physical copy by simply filling in this form. Grab a cup of tea, some biscuits and read all about life in Utrecht!
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Ledenweekend Sign Up
Nu gisteravond het thema bekend is gemaakt is het tijd voor het inschrijven! Schrijf je nu in voor de Kleine reis! Viva Las Hunsel! Compleet met casino, fiches, drank en gezelligheid. Het echte Las Vegas gevoel.. maar dan in Hunsel! Dit weekend zal plaatsvinden op 21 t/m 23 juni. Dit alles bieden wij aan voor…
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Join the Board of 2019-2020!
Board application is now open! You can sign up by filling in this form and attaching a letter of motivation. There are no criteria for this letter, just be sure to include relevant skills and possible (committee) experience. The deadline is the 28th of February 23:59. Did you miss the Board Information Meeting? You can find the…
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