Minors & Master Market
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With the passing of the years, things are bound to change… thus, it might be the case that you might find a very interesting Minor or Master but this is no longer available. Fret not, by looking at the University’s official website you will be fright-free! Nevertheless, since you are already here… why not read what these lovely Phoenix Issues have to offer?
Ancient Culture: Bibianne Oelderik
Artificial Intelligence: Alessandra Polimeno
Brains and Bodies: Annemay Schaap
Brains and Bodies: Imke van Dam
Celtic Languages and Culture: Caitlin Kroot
Celtic Languages and Culture: Kiki Drost
Cultuur, Communicatie en Mediastudies: Chrystel Philipsen
Digital Humanities: Charlotte van Ruiten
Educational Minor: Geke Niemann
Educational Minor: Adriaan Walpot
Gender Studies: Anna de Roest
Gender Studies: Dirk Versluis
International Relations: Emma Wasser
International Relations: Laurel Sanders
International Relations: Michelle Moonen
Journalistiek: Ilse Bruls
Literature in Conflict: Jitske Brinksma
Media en Cultuur: Effie Ophelders
Muziekwetenschappen: Inge van Nimwegen
Muziekwetenschappen: Lotte Murrath
Philosophy: Bo Molenaar
Spanish Language and Culture: Noa Tims
Swedish Language and Culture: Tessa Karsten
Youth Studies: Caitlin Kroot
Ancient, Medieval and Renaissance Studies: Juliane Witte
RMA Comparative Literary Studies: Anneloek Scholten
RMA Comparative Literary Studies: Janieke Koning
Education and Communication: Robin Bal
Education and Communication: Zoë op ten Berg
Interculturele Communicatie: Hannah Schoonewille
Jeugdliteratuur: Caitlin Kroot
Jeugdliteratuur: Marlon Schotel
Journalistiek en Media: Jos de Groot
RMA Linguistics: Laura Smorenburg
Literary Studies: Minthe Woudstra
Literary Studies: Jitske Brinksma
Literary Translation English-Dutch: Kayleigh Herber
Literature Today: Kiki Drost
Literature Today: Suzanne Hoogstraten
North American Studies: Maroucha Veerman
Writing, Editing and Mediating: Anna de Roest