
Albion Sweaters
The Albion sweaters are back and you can order one before the 15th of February! Fill in the form at members > merchandise.
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Office Hours Block 3
The shack will be closed for upcoming week, but after that we’ll be back again with regular office hours! Monday 11-13: Lotte 13-16: Sandra Tuesday 11-13: Ymke 13-16: Baukje Wednesday 11-13: Baukje 13-16: Hanka Thursday 11-13: Caitlin 13-16: Hanka
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Sign Up Big Trip: DUBLIN
DUBLIN IT IS! The destination of our next Big Trip is the city of St Patrick’s Cathedral, the Temple Bar, Guinness beer, the Dublin Castle and of course James Joyce. We will be going from April 12th to April 18th, so you will be back in The Netherlands just in time to celebrate Easter with…
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Phoenix Issue 01!
The Fall 2018 issue of Phoenix is out now! You can read it online (members>phoenix issues) or order a physical copy by simply filling in this form:…/1FAIpQLSe4__s8HwURBm3yc…/viewformWe hope that you’ll enjoy reading the first issue of academic year 2018/2019!
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Member Mumble: Leanne van Kampen
Perfectly timed is our first member mumble of the year: Leanne van Kampen tells us all about Halloween and its origin. What is the connection between Samhain and Halloween and why do children go about collecting candy and dressing up as scary ghosts? Leanne recounts the Celtic traditions and how they turned into the Halloween celebrations…
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Dear members! Some of you have been wondering how to log in on the Albion website. It’s actually as simple as this: you can log in with your solis-ID! Just use your studentnumber and the password tied to that and you’ll be good to go! So far, there’s nothing special to see after log in,…
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Phoenix Issue 04
Dear Albioneers, Are you enjoying your holiday so far? Or are you already bored out of your mind? If so, fear not! Phoenix has filled one last issue with pop culture related content for you to read while sitting in the sun. If you want to order this issue, please send an email to…
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Sign up for a committee!
Haven’t gotten a chance to visit the committee market yesterday? Or have you already decided on which committee you would like to join next year? Take a look at the committee section at this site to find information on all the individual committees. Committees of Albion include the Camp Committee and the Introduction Committee, where…
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Open Podium!
Dear Albioneers, Tuesday the 29th of May the annual Open Podium will take place. This awesome night with our friends from Awater is the ultimate way to show us your skills (or the lack thereof)! Come up with your own act, whether it’s music, dance, magic, poetry, or whatever, as long as it fits this…
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Phoenix Issue 03
Dear Albioneers, Have you been enjoying the sun? You better, because apparently it will be over after the weekend. Don’t let that put you down though! The latest issue of Phoenix is here to make you feel like you’re on a holiday. With recipes from around the globe, travel stories and much more, this edition…
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Internship ‘De Boekenkrant’
De Boekenkrant zoekt een stagair(e)! Tijdens een stage op de Boekenkrant-redactie ben je constant aan het schrijven. Je werkt aan stukken voor op de website en in onze fysieke kranten en speelt een belangrijke rol in het runnen van de sociale media. Onder begeleiding van ervaren redacteuren werk je aan de ontwikkeling van een eigen…
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Booksale block 4
Books for block 4 are online! Order them asap to start off the last block of the year well-prepared. Note: “Endgame and Act without Words” by Samuel Beckett for Irish Literature 1850-present is not available in StudyStore, so browse your local bookstore for a copy. Get your books with that sweet discount here.
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Join the Albion Board!
Board applications are now open! Fill in the form below and don’t forget to upload a letter of motivation. There are no criteria for this letter, just make sure to include relevant skills and (committee) experience. The deadline is April 1, 23:59 (no joke). Did you miss the Board Information Meeting? Browse the website for general…
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