
Young Adult Literature
!! Hear ye, Hear ye !! Our very own Young Adult Literature reading group is offering you a chance to join them. They gather every third thursday of the month and their first meeting is on the 19th of October! This group consists of Albion members and is organised by Eva Overman, an alumni of…
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Booksale Block 1
We know you’re all enjoying your summer full of lovely days out with friends, maybe some trips abroad to sunny shores, a belly full of summery treats, and best of all: absolutely nothing academic on your mind. Although, let’s be real, we’ve all got a secret To Do list in the back of our minds…
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Phoenix Issue 04
To everything comes an end. Even to great procrastination fuel like the lovely Phoenix. So here’s the last Phoenix of this academic year. It’s full of reviews and Summer recommendations like Utrecht’s best ice cream places. Of course you also won’t want to miss out on the great Tea Time interview with Onno Kosters (and…
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Albion Shirts
By popular request we’re introducing a new piece of Albion merch: the Albion baseball shirt! Get ready for Summer with this shirt displaying your bachelor degree and study association for all to see. Wear it to your family’s Summer barbecue as a conversation starter for awkward distant relatives, or make friends at a festival by…
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Member Mumble #5 Floor Klein Hesselink
The past few weeks were really stressful and I have been feeling anxious and insecure for days now. The ironic thing is that everything went exactly as planned and I really don’t have anything to complain about. Whenever I feel this way, I forget the things that cheer me up and I can only focus…
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Candidate Board XXVII
Here they finally are: the fab five who can now call themselves the XXVIIth candidate board of Albion! We promise we didn’t just choose them for their looks;) We proudly introduce: Praeses: Job Petersen Ab Actis: Tanisha Wetsteen Fiscus: Justine Hoogstraten Intern: Minthe Woudstra Extern: Alessandra Polimeno A massive congratulations to them all♥ If you…
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Phoenix Issue 03
Critical journalism, politics, illustrations, culture, stories from far away lands, and a cosy Tea Time with Debbie Cole, the new issue of Phoenix has it all! You can read it now by clicking on the Phoenix below.
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Booksale Block 4
One last batch of study books before the summer holiday. Order them here to get that sweet Albion discount.
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Albion Episode XXVI – Return of the Kandidaatsbestuur
The video says it all really. Sign up here!
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Apply for the 27th Albion board
The search for the new Albion board has begun. You can sign up here until April 6th 23.59.
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Phoenix Issue 02
Hot off the press, Phoenix’s greenest issue yet contains a piece or two about global warming, some steaming hot vegan recipes, a look at the current political climate, and of course a warm cup of tea from one of our favourite teachers. Click on the cow for a look inside!
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Booksale Block 3
It’s the end of the block, we’re working on those last deadlines and weekends just aren’t really weekends anymore. To help you through these tough times, here’s a list of motivational things about the new block: – the start of block 3 means we’re half way through the year and heading towards summer holidays! –…
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Happy Holidays!
Curious to see how this year’s christmas card came about? Or rather, how it almost didn’t? You can see it all in How the Grinch Stole Christmas but Albion Stole It Back. Albion wishes everyone happy holidays and best wishes for 2017!
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New Pub: De Stadsgenoot
As some of you probably have noticed, most of our recent recreational activities have taken place at café De Stadsgenoot instead of Jij&Wij. This is due to some changes going on at the Jij&Wij. So in order to be able to keep letting you know well ahead of events where exactly they are going to…
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