

The End of the Year

The end of the year is finally here. First off, congratulations to all first-year members who managed to overcome the obstacle that is BSA and who we will welcome with open arms as second-year members and students. And of course a congratulations to those who have handed in their final thesis and can now call themselves BA or MA. We wish you the best of luck in all your future endeavours, be it a new degree, a new career, or something else entirely. You will always be welcome at Albion. And a final congratulations to those of you who made it through another year, but still have a part of their academic journey ahead of them.

It’s been quite the year (but isn’t it always?). We’ve travelled together, studied together, partied together, revelled together, acted together, thought about our careers together, canoed together, and we drank together. Oh, how we drank together. As much fun as we had this year, there is always room for improvement, always room for more. Now that the academic is coming to a close, so does the year of our Lustrum and its board. It will be up the 26th board to give all of you an even better time, as we strive to do each and every year.

We can already tell you that next year is going to be full of excitement. We have the good, the bad, and the ugly: Albion is looking into partaking in one of the greater annual beer-drinking events next year, being a member will come with an increased financial responsibility, and the dusty old shack might not be its former self next year.

We’re already loking forward to it, and we hope you are too.

Written by Maarten Gooskens