

Plant Based Coffee Machines at UU and HU ☕?

Dear Albi,

We would like to introduce you to Vegan Student Association Utrecht. In line with their goal to establish an inclusive and sustainable community, they focus not only on plant-based students, but on all students who care about sustainability in Utrecht.

Besides being a social or, as the Dutch say, “gezellige” association planning weekly events for their students and offering discounts at many vegan-friendly places such as Gys or Vegitalian in Utrecht, they would like to contribute to making the University and Hogeschool more sustainable and inclusive.

A first step to reach this goal could be the implementation of plant-based coffee machines. In order to reach that goal, they want to form a union of student and study associations to promote a sustainable plant-based lifestyle at the University and Hogeschool.

They are happy to inform that they have finalised the creation of a petition (the following):

If you want to support them, sign the petition before the 31st of March (31-03-’23); if you feeli like so, also share the petition with others so that this eco-friendly goal can be reached!