

Monthly Recap: December ’15 & January ’16

My oh my, so much happened in these two months! December kicked off with a blast as the destination of this year’s trip was announced in a filled up Mick O’ Connells pub during the monthly drinks. With some pride the Reiscie answered the question burning on all lips: Where in Ireland could we possibly be going? Indeed, as most hoped Albion will head to Duhhblin this year! We’ll honor this iconic city with our presence and indulge ourselves in a week of discovery, friendship, feasting and of course food! Talking about food leads to the pub quiz on traditional food of the commonwealth that was held in December. Once more the Mick was overrun by eager students who couldn’t wait to prove their genius. It turns out the civilians of the British Empire have some highly peculiar eating habits bearing even more unpronounceable names. Naturally the board held it’s name and honor high and finished proudly… at the bottom of the charts. Let’s skip on to better times, shall we? Half way down the month the svMT hosted its famous kerstgala, an evening filled with lovely ladies in glamorous dresses and fine gentlemen in smart suits. It was fantastic to see so many of you there that night, all dressed up and looking stunning! The dj’s provided great music, so together we danced the night away during what was a great gala.

Then before we knew the festive season came down on us once again and naturally we knew what was coming: lots of food, drinks and even more family members who suddenly turn out to be still alive and have apparently missed you so much, not even to mention the avalanche of happy wishes and Christmas cards. A period to relax and recover from those first months of academia in which the second week serves mainly to regret all your gastronomic decisions from the first one.

As the new year took flight we had the opportunity to enjoy January’s monthly drinks at the Mick where we could all share stories on the crazy events of our holidays. The day after, as most had sobered up again the halfjaarlijkse algemene ledenvergadering (hALV) took place. There the board explained that they hadn’t been just picking their nose and eating cookies these past months, but had actually been forging plans for Albion’s future and survival. As January is occupied mostly by exam weeks and even more weeks of spare time and limitless procrastination I’m afraid this recap has come to its close, but stay put in February for the next chapter.


Written by Nick Breedveld

Photo by Roald Sekeris Fotografie