

Confidants (Vertrouwenspersonen)

In order to ensure that our association is a safe and comfortable space for all of our members, we have two confidants who are available for members to talk to. These people are no health professionals and as such they act as a first point of contact. You can approach them with any and all questions and issues, both Albion related and not, and, of course, everything you talk about will remain strictly confidential.


These are the confidants of academic year 2023-2024:

Suze Somerwil

Hi there! My name is Suze and I’m a second year here at ELC in Utrecht. I absolutely adore the Albion community here and love how the people of this study association have managed to create such a loving and supportive environment.

I know how challenging life can be, inside or outside of university, and I want you to know that you can always reach out if you need someone to talk to and just get things of your chest.

Please don’t be afraid to reach out if you need to. I promise I’m a nice person :))
You can always reach me by sending an email to

Lots of hugs,


Ps. Though I feel a sense of responsibility to inform you about details such as my age and hobbies, I think it’s equally important to let you know that my favourite type of cake is a red velvet cake and I think forks are the superior cutlery. Do with that information as you wish.


Jurre Nijhuis

Hello everyone,

My name is Jurre, 27 years old, and I’m a second year student at ELC. I will be one of the Albion confidants of academic year 2023-2024. I applied for the position of confidant because I’d love to provide a safe space for people in case they need to talk to somebody, whether this is personal or study related. Everything you decide to share will naturally stay between the two of us, so feel free to reach out!

If you have any questions, feel free to e-mail me at

Bye bye