

Flowchart, LusCie & Mentors

Albion now has a flowchart to answer your most burning questions of who to question! So if you want to ask something, but are not sure who to ask, ask this flowchart who’s your person!

Another development is that we are currently looking for people who would like to organise the Albion lustrum. We turn 25 in october 2015 and are going to celebrate big time! Or well, we might. Either way we need people who would like to organise this lustrum and, as with anything that needs organising, the earlier the start the better. So organisation of the 2015 lustrum will be done by a committee in the academic year 2014-2015. Would you like to join this committee? We have added the option at the committee sign up sheet. Already signed up but you prefer the LusCie anyway? Just send us an email saying so and we’ll make sure your changed preference is noted.

Furthermore, we cannot stress enough that other committee applications are open as well. You can either fill out the form in the sidebar (it’s to the right of this post) or head over to the committee page for the same form, but slightly larger.

Firstyears can currently sign up to be a mentor during the 2014-2015 Introduction period. This year the introduction committee asks you to help out during the introduction day, various events throughout block 1 and help your ‘kids’ out during their first year whenever they’re not sure how to reference a certain text (or similar low-key academic questions). Check out the sign up sheet here.

PS: Don’t forget that the Student Assembly is next week (Thursday 19th) and that we’d love to see you there and hear some of your feedback.