

Dear New First-Years

We know that it is still some time to go before the summer holiday is over and you are starting your new college life in Utrecht, but in order to give you one awesome introduction camp and week we need some information from you!

Please ensure you fill out the form below during your holidays:…/1Zd1jhRq5kq_vgeohKGA4RO…/viewform…

Important to know: the camp takes place from 2-4 September and is not mandatory, the Introduction Day takes place on September 5 and is MANDATORY for all new students! Therefore, we do need all of you to fill out the form even if you are not coming to the camp or joining our additional introduction activities during the first week (but of course we’re hoping you will: it’s gonna be a blast!)
You can sign up for the camp and the introduction until August 16; make sure to do so on time!

(As the introduction committee and the camp committee both have separate bank accounts, please make sure you transfer your fees to the right accounts.)

We are all so excited to meet you; see you in September!