
The Committee Cup

We are proud to present to you the šŸ†ALBION COMMITEE CUPšŸ†!

This is THE competition to decide which committee within Albion has the right the call themselves the šŸ„‡NUMBER ONE COMMITTEEšŸ„‡.

For the coming months until Committee Appreciation Day each committee is able to rack up points (and also lose them!) by doing various things such as sending minutes on time or beating a board member at Mario Kart.

You can join the Committee Cup Chat through the link in the Albion Official Chat’s description. Here, you’ll get constant updates on the competition, as well as find the current standings!

The Rules

Ways to Gain Points

  • Sending minutes:
    • On time (Within 24 hours after meeting).Ā  Ā +2 points
    • Late (24 hours have passed after meeting). +1 point
  • Sending budgets:
    • On time (Within deadline given by the board treasurer). +2 points
  • Sending promo before the 2 week deadline. +2 points
    • (That means two days BEFOREĀ  it needs to be posted, so 16 days in advance!)
  • Members present at Albion Activities other than their own +1 point p.p
    • (Make sure to let the board members present know you are there!)
  • Win against a board member at Mario Kart +1 point
    • (You can only gain 1 point per Board Member per day and you have to win an ENTIRE Grand Prix.)
  • Organise a bonding activity with your committee +2 points
    • (Make sure to send photographical evidence to a board member!)
  • Organise a bonding activity with another committee, with two people of each committee +3
    • (Make sure to, once again, send photographical evidence to a board member!)

Ways to lose points

  • Sending minutes 4 days after the meeting has passed. -4 points
  • Not including prices for Friends of Albion. -1 point
  • Go a month without holding a meeting (holidays not included). -2 points
  • Sending the promo after the two week deadlineĀ -2 points, and -1 point per extra day late
  • Sending the budget on timeĀ -10 points
  • When the person who has a sober shift is caught drinking alcoholĀ -10 points


Current Rankings

Committees Total
Most recent points Previous
AC  67
AcCie 🥇 104
BigTripCie  50
CampCie  65
IntroCie 31
MerchCie 🥈 85
PartyCie 🥉 69
Phoenix 19
SportCie 🥈 81
SmallTripCie 71


The 2023-2024 Committee Cup winner is AcCie with 65 points!

Chair: Isa Prinsze

Secretary: Silke Eijs

Treasurer: Thijs Hagenaars

PR-member: Nina van VeenĀ