

Phoenix is the magazine that will document your time with Albion and beyond. A team of hard writers, editors and graphic designers work hard throughout the year to provide you with 4 issues, filled with interviews, reviews, fiction and more! You can check out all of the Phoenix issues on our website (members > phoenix issues).

This year’s members of Phoenix:

Chiara Palmeri (chair, editor in chief)

Dani Lewis(co-chair, creative director)

Sema Piskinel (secretary)

Nikoleta Markantoni (pr-member)


And many more who help out on individual issues!

Got a question for Phoenix? Drop them an email via!

Writing for Phoenix

Here you can submit your writing pieces (fiction or non-fiction stories, articles, or columns) and if the committee likes it, you might see it back in the next issue!

The email address to contact if you want to submit a piece for the Phoenix Issue, is the following: (copy the link)

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