

Albion Short Story Contest

Dear Albioneers,

As we promised you last week, we’ll be starting some small contests!

This week, we’ll be starting a Short Story Contest. This is the assignment: Write a short story, be it fiction/non-fiction/life writing, of max. 1000 words about how a single experience changed your – or someone else’s – life. Any form is allowed, from chapter to blogpost to full-on myth, just make sure you surprise us with your beautiful writing or witty story-telling! 😉

You have until Sunday May 24th to send in your short story, after which your submissions will be posted on the website. Albioneers have until Wednesday 27th to vote on their favourite Story via Instagram polls and/or a Facebook poll! The winners will be announced Friday 29th!

Mail your submisssion (or any other questions) to