

2024-2025 Introduction days

Dear Firsties, perhaps Albioneers,

In just a few days you will officially start your uni days. Exciting right? Or maybe you’re nervous, a little bit scared actually. It can be quite overwhelming.

I know I was last year, but I had a great time and I made friends those introduction days that are now one of my closest friends! And yes, I was incredibly tired after those two days but I also felt incredibly happy, as I found people that are like me and that like the same things. I hope you all will have amazing intro days and that you will also find friends among your new peers.

To ensure that your intro days go as smoothly as possible, here is some information and some tips and tricks, in addition to the information provided to you by the wonderful Introduction days committee!


Monday 02-09 is mandatory until 16.00, the end of the committee market.

Location of arrival: Drift 21, room 032. This is one of the university building at the Drift, the way to enter this building is by entering through Drift 27, the Library, and walk through the doors into the garden on your right side, just before entering the actual library. If you keep walking you will end up at two red doors, which is Drift 21, and to your left you will find lecture hall 032.

Time of arrival: 09.00, this is the walk-in moment, and at 09.20 the day really starts of. Here you will be shown to your student-mentor(s) and your other classmates. My tip is to try to talk to the people that are sitting next you! They are probably as nervous as you are, but maybe you can find that a fun chat is a good way to calm your nerves and relax a little!

Here you will hear from several people from within the studies, the department and Albion, the study association. You will be introduced to some teachers, and afterwards you will gather with your group and meet your tutor.

You will also take a tour of the important places to know within the city center (Tip! See if you can find them in the magazine you’re gifted as well!). After walking around you will have lunch in the Drift Yard at 12.30 and at 13.00 the committee market will start.

Within Albion we have around 14 committees, these are groups that organise specific types of activities, and at the committee market you will take a tour to see all of them and see if maybe there is a committee that fits perfectly to something that interests you! Joining a committee really gives a boost to your social life here in Utrecht, as you are involved with peers at the same study, from different years. I truly recommend joining a committee, I joined two last year and it was really nice to form a closer bond with people I otherwise would not see that often. And in addition to the social aspect I also got to work on things that I love, like designing merch and organising a weekend away for Albioneers!

After the committee market the mandatory part is over, but for those who signed up there is some time to relax in the Griftpark before we have dinner at 17.00. And when our bellies are full the day will continue on at Hart van Utrecht to play some pool! (Tip! When you’re an Albion member you can play pool here with your fellow Albioneers with a discount!).

At 20.00 the day ends, and hopefully it will have been a fulfilling day! And if, throughout the day, you have any questions, you can always come to any of the committee members or board members, who will be recognisable by their Albion shirts!


Tuesday 03-09 is not mandatory, but it is recommended. 

Location of arrival: Wilhelminapark.

Time of arrival: 15.00.

This day will start by playing games and just having a lot of fun with your new classmates and fellow firsties. This is a day to have fun of course, but also an amazing opportunity to get to know others, and I can remember last year so clear and I made quite a lot of great memories that day!

There will be dinner at 18.00 and afterwards we will show you all our favourite pubs and bars here in Utrecht! If you don’t drink, or don’t want to drink this is completely fine too, and we want you to know that that is okay! Everyone deserves a safe space here in Albion, and your choices are respected (:

After this the intro days will be over and you will hopefully get some well-needed  of rest before your lectures and seminars start!

Well, that was all I have to say for now! It’s now time for me to close my laptop and sit back in my Ikea chair before the busyness of the intro days will start soon, but I so so look forward to seeing you all monday!

Much love,

Isis, Commissioner of Internal Affairs 2024-2025


Note that the Introcamp dates have moved, to 27-29 September. You can still sign up to join!