
Who to contact


There are different people you can contact regarding different issues. However, before contacting anyone please make sure the information you are after really isn’t available elsewhere. Check Osiris and check the ‘Onderwijs- en Examenregeling’, especially that last one usually answers the most frequently asked questions. If you still haven’t found what you’re looking for see below for a general overview of what each person you come in contact with does. We strongly advise you to take a look at our questions flowchart before contacting anyone.

Course Coordinator
Any questions specific to the course you are following, for example questions regarding examinations, deadlines or timeslots. You can find out who your course coordinator is on Osiris.

Your tutor is there to guide you throughout the course of your degree. You can contact them with questions regarding planning or if you’re unsure about what courses to choose. You should be able to find your tutor on Osiris as well as their contact information.

Study advisor
The study advisor can also be contacted for questions regarding planning. However, they can also help you out if there is any delay in your study plan, if you find yourself in special circumstances needing extra help or even if you don’t feel at home at the uni. You can actually ask them pretty much anything.
Our study advisor is Monique van Ruyven and here is how you can contact her.

The Albion flowchart was created to help you find the people who know the answer to your questions, it’s modeled after one SV Awater made (thank you for kindly letting us steal and translate your concept).

For Albioneers with questions: get set, ready, GO!